Welcome to Revive! Ps. Eric Sewing joins us this week for the second part of our learning series, Walking in Honor. Today, we dive into the story of the paralyzed man who was lowered through the roof for an encounter with Jesus. We see a powerful story of healing, forgiveness, and faith.


We explore how Jesus speaks to the heart of our suffering – not our status – and how faith is required to walk out healing. The paralyzed man’s friends didn’t leave when they didn’t get what they expected right away—they stayed in the moment with Jesus. Are we willing to remain in the presence of God even when the answer doesn’t satisfy our expectations?


Jesus has authority to forgive, heal, and change lives. Just like the man who walked out through the door after being lowered through the roof, our lives should never be the same after an encounter with Jesus. Are you ready to step into your miracle, to walk paths you’ve never walked before? It’s time to trust Him, take the first step, do it afraid, and honor the moment God has given us.


Be blessed!


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